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The Brothers, a highly acclaimed documentary film by Richard Fitzgerald, commissioned by RTE television, and nominated in The Irish Film & Television awards, a beautiful portrayal of the lives of two elderly farmers living on an isolated farm at the butt of the Commeragh mountains, filmed entirely by Richard over a period of ten years. It has since won other awards and been screened at film festivals around the world. Produced by Nemeton Television Productions, co-directed by Mikey O' Flatharta Darba.

"there was a close bond between them, neither would marry for fear of upsetting the other, they lived their lives entirely for each other. The film culminates in the unexpected dramatic events which arose when one of the brothers died"

DVD's of the documentary are available. To enquire contact

click here to see The Irish Times review

© richard fitzgerald. all rights reserved.
images on this site are under strict copyright protection and must not
be copied, reproduced, or transmitted, without written permission.

The Brothers, home after mass, 1996